Subject: Composer Frederic Delarue
Soothing Uplifting music
NEW ERA - Details
SPOTLIGHT : Vers La Source
Eyes of Your Heart - Kindle Version is HERE!
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Frederic Delarue.


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God Bless You.

Dear Loved One,   
Happy Valentine's Day !

This is the time of the year where some lucky people will celebrate the day of the lovers. Ugh !? Only some lucky people ???

Let's do that again !

This is the time of the year, where everybody may celebrate in their own way(s) the Heartfelt Love, which we call Valentine's Day !

You are married ? Great !
You are engaged ? Great !
You are single ? Great !

I like to think that lovers do not do something special to demonstrate their love  ONLY on Valentine's Day.
I like to think that lovers demonstrate their love every single day as if it was the very first day.  Like in everything, it is so easy to fall in the net of "taking things, or moments, or someone for granted" until it loses its magic, its purity, its beauty, its innocence...   

If you are single, celebrate Your Self  and do something special for Your Self !  but I like to think that you do something special to celebrate YOU every single day :)

If you are widowed, it is a special day to remember all the positive moments of your life with your loved one.  The soul never dies. Only the physical part of our selves do.
So it is always a beautiful moment and a special celebration to rejoice by sending loving and Pure Love from your heart to the soul of your loved one, who has now reached a higher frequency.

No matter what your situation is, it is a time to remember, if you do not already do it on a daily basis, to celebrate LOVE towards YOUR SELF and the ones that are dear to your heart.

You are Loved,
Many Angel Blessings to All of You,
PS: For "espanol", "francais" or any other language,
please use a google translation program, such as

(utilisez le programme automatique de google) 
Thank you.
You asked
for more details on the

Many of you, after reading my last newsletter to welcome the New Year, have asked me to be more explanatory in regards to what is coming our way since December 21, 2012 !

Thank you for reading the newsletters that I feel guided to write. I always welcome and highly appreciate your feedback.  



For a few years now and more significantly, since the beginning of 2012, we could see changes coming our way in different forms. We all knew that we were leaving an era of materialism linked to anything physical with a population thirsty of consumption, and leading to a more spiritual and simplistic world, a world where human beings will reconnect with their true source and less stuff around them, less consumption, less garbage and more quality so-to-speak.

Any occurring change does not come easy most of the time. Especially when the change occur after decades of the same lifestyle, and sometimes centuries of the same rituals, habits. When that's all you know, it is difficult to adjust to a new lifestyle.

I heard that many Light Workers felt sometimes disconnected, sometimes lost, alone, having more and more difficulties to connect, etc. Personally I do not believe that we can be disconnected if our Soul is connected, but we can have the feeling that we aren't. It is a bit as if we were watching a TV program and suddenly having a fuzzy TV screen. We are still connected yet we cannot watch, or follow the program. 

Beginning of 2012, signs given under various course of events or revelations help more and more people to wake up, to awaken, whether they were conscious of it, or not. People who used to believe in nothing suddenly started to believe, or at least became more open minded about possibilities, and their perception of life events started to shift positively with more clarity.

These shifts started a few years ago but could be felt more strongly during 2012 and more intensely as we were approaching November and December of 2012.



Since December 21, 2012, new frequencies have anchored on our planet Earth. Before some of us had one foot in the Light, in the new World but since Dec 21, we have both feet in it. We cannot go backwards. We only can go forward. Those who were successful preaching certain things before, may be less successful now, as they find themselves in dissonance between the old vibrations and the new ones. Their audience whether it is established feels it too and it has worldwide impacts politically also.

Yes frequencies are higher than they were. And things just cannot be the same. And if someone tries to lead a matter or country in the same old frequency than before, it will lead to failure so the anew can begin. Again the new frequencies will be established no matter what, with a smooth transition, or not. It is up to us to be alert and awake to help make that transition the smoothest and happiest possible.

Succession of events will help the people of the planet to awaken and to wake up from their sleeping state. Hopefully the people of the planet will "get it" before too many events need to occur. Again it is only up to us.

The Chapter of anchoring these new energies, vibrations, frequencies on Earth started on Dec 21, 2012 and may take up to a couple of years for the anchoring frequencies to be finalized (anchored on earth but also for our bodies to finish to adjust to these frequencies.)

Now let's take an example to illustrate how this may occur in your daily life :

We talked earlier about Light Workers having more difficulties to connect , no matter whoever they used to achieve that, Archangels, Angels, God, Jesus, Buddha, Saints, and so forth. Well, it is a bit as if you used to listen to your favorite radio station on a certain frequency, let's take as an example 98,5FM, and since it reached the new frequencies of 99,8 FM, you cannot connect to it. Therefore you had to go through periods of adjustments until you adjust your connection to the new frequency of 99,8 FM so you can listen to it again. Does that make any sense to you ?



More and more people will receive clear reception of THE TRUTH. It means that more and more of you will know how to distinct if what is said to you or to the world is true or not, whether it is someone close to you, the medias or even your own Government.

You will also be gifted of knowing more Your Own Truth: what is good for you may not be good for your neighbors or best friends. So be careful before you accept any recommendations, especially if it comes from someone who may have any influences on your decisions. Again your own truth is only yours. Nobody but you can live your life. So make sure to live your own life.

Now you know that only you can know what is best for you. You are a gentle loving soul who is having a physical experience with the body you chose to integrate in. Nobody can have this experience but you. So do not let anyone fool you :) Be You and Rejoice :) Feel absolutely no guilt for being You !

This is an extraordinary time to finally start getting back to live your own life.

Because of these higher frequencies, things you may have done for as long as you remember can cause you issues now. For instance, I have heard that some people who used to consume lots of animal products such as red meat, are now becoming sick when eating it. Same with people taking certain pills before, starting to feel uncomfortable taking them anymore, as their bodies are changing, adjusting to the new frequencies. These changes will help them have more clarity, help them to feel, have the sense of "knowing things."

This time is extraordinary because you are given an opportunity that you did not have for many thousands of years, to purify your body, your thoughts, everything that has been taught to you for the sake of controlling you, of making you a living human robot. Eating less garbage to purify your body, to feel more clean in the inside, which ultimately will bring forth more clarity in your thoughts. So beware of the power of your own thoughts, thoughts that will materialize easier than before, with the new frequencies installed.



Well it all depends on us, the human beings. If we keep going the way we do, maybe not so much. However, we can always dream and pray for humans to awaken and start thinking for the sake of humanity instead of their own little selfish self.   Many people make decisions based only on the consequence in their little life. I say "little" by choice, because too many of us take themselves way too seriously.

We are all accountable for every decision we make, and the direct consequences of these decisions, acts, thoughts, etc on our civilization. If the human race had woken up many years ago, perhaps we would not have given our power away.

Until we see pure and clear, positive change cannot be installed.   

So raises a question "Do we have to suffer much more in order to be forced to become reasonable, loving, caring again ?" 

The answer is up to us all.



With the help of these new and higher frequencies, I feel that the truth will be revealed on many aspects of our lives.

Since a child I always felt to know when something was true or not, especially in regards to the News.    I clearly recall that it was somewhat disturbing as most people around me thought I was either crazy or being negative, since my version of the story was often not the version that the medias were told to deliver to the masses.

Without giving names I have often known of influential people around the World having a sudden fatal accident, a car or motorcycle wreck, sometimes a suicide, when in fact I "knew" their lives had been tragically shortened, for their influences were becoming troublesome to others, and might have awakened the masses. So they had to be "stopped."

I also feel we will know someday the truth about Religion. Who was Jesus, Buddha and all the others that served the same purpose wherever they were on earth. We will know the truth, about the things and sometimes the lies that have ruled our lives for thousands of years.

Truth about the games of Governments around the World. Empires will fall after risen to the top of the pyramid, before of extreme Greed. Seems like human race never seemed to learn from past experiences. We repeated the same cycles, patterns. Like Nature repeats its cycles of ice age to warm weather. Climate changes have always occurred. Desert land where used to live wide rainforests, etc. And I do not think they had global warning because of pollution in these times. It was just a new cycle.

All these changes are for the good of Humanity ! There is no reason to be afraid, worried, concerned. What will/may happen will/may happen. Breathe with it and stay connected to your own Self, and your own Truth.

Clearing Kit 
  For a while, it was out of stock !!! So I decided to make my own set of clearing kit, that I offer at the same price it was before.

This kit contains: a BioSonics™ Crystal Tuner™, and a handmade pocketed carry pouch for protection of the tools, when not in use.
It also contains a clear quartz crystal from Brazil, that i have personally selected for you.

You may also choose to use your very own crystal or another one, but please make sure
to choose one that responds positively to your needs, and remember not to share your crystal with anybody else, as it is a very personal tool. 

Teachers use it to clear classrooms between groups of students.

Practitioners (health/religious)
use it between clients to start fresh
with each session.

use it to chase away old energies in motel and hotel rooms.
Individuals use it to clear unwanted energies from apartments, houses, and cars.

use it before meetings, to clear old energies and to connect the group.

Other uses:
* Use the Crystal Tuner™ to clear and refresh all your crystals and stones!

* Use it to generate a clear open space for learning, creating, or to
clear a room after an unpleasant episode.

For more info, click here 


Thank you for Sophie Ruel of "Vers la Source"
for carrying my albums of music in her store
in St-Jerome, Quebec, Canada.

"Merci a Sophie Ruel de "Vers la Source"
pour offrir mes albums a sa clientele de son magasin
a St-Jerome, Quebec, Canada"
Vers la Source   

If you know a store that carries my albums,
please let me know to get it in the Spotlight !
Thank you for your support.

Si vous connaissez un magasin qui vend mes albums, svp veuillez me l'indiquer pour que je le lui donne le "Spotlight" prochainement.


Now available on
Eyes of Your Heart, Kindle version
on paperback for $16.95!:
Eyes of Your Heart

Book + CD: $30.00
(music to acompany reading)  

If you are interested to view some of the videos I have made and posted on YouTube,
please click the button below:
View my videos on YouTube 
Your Testimonials
from all over the World...

Thank you for all the mail you sent me this past month.  

To send me a letter or testimonial, Click here

Thank you for all your letters received this month
from different parts of the world.

[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Flemish]
Thanks to Frederic Delarue I had tremendous benefit from his free CD.
A little bump grew in my left hand already a year (I had a cyst removed in my right hand the year before)
Almost every day I listened to his CD, and yes, the bump became smaller and smaller and now I don't feel it anymore. 1000x thanks
Nancy - BELGIUM (Jan 14, 2013)
[ORIGINAL VERSION] Dank zij Frederic Delarue heb ik al veel gehad aan zijn gratis cd . Een bobbeltje groeide al een jaar in mijn linkerhand ( had vorig jaar een ingreep van cyste rechterhand ) Bijna elke dag luisterde ik naar zijn cd , en ja , het bobbeltje minderde en minderde en nu voel ik het niet meer . 1000x dank !

Your music is so very, very beautiful ! I am 71 years of age and feel so blessed to have found your music to listen to.
I've purchased and downloaded on my ipod a majority of your album music from itunes, to listen to various times, even while sleeping. Please continue to keep making new music albums. Thank you for letting us purchase it by individual MP3 player songs instead of only by album. Besides making me feel better emotionally and physically while listening to your music, it makes me feel closer to God's Angels, whom are important in my life. God's Blessings to You! Thank you!
Anynymous - USA (Jan 13, 2013)

[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French] It has been a long time since i was looking for such music that helps the soul to soar, that cleans from inside out. A music that energizes and calms at the same time. Bravo for this beautiful angelic inspiration. Until now i only listened to the free music online, but I guess all the other CDs must all be as haunting. Thank you.
Sylvie Laflamme - Adstock, Quebec - CANADA (Jan. 2, 2013)

[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Spanish]
Thanks Frederic for being an instrument of God and send us your message of love through this wonderful music. It manifests itself in different forms for all the receptive and sensitive souls to receive its message, through this beautiful music and recognize the message that God wants us to transmit, a message of love, peace, Light and Harmony ... You are God's gift to the New Era, a messenger of the Divine .... Blessings and a thousand thanks. [ORIGINAL VERSION] Gracias Frederic por ser un instrumento de Dios y transmitirnos Su mensaje de Amor a traves de esta maravillosa Musica, El se manifiesta de diferentes formas para que todas las almas puedan recibir Su mensaje, a traves de esta bellisima musica las almas receptivas y sensibles pueden reconocer el mensaje que Dios nos quiere transmitir, un mensaje de Amor, Paz, Luz y Armonia...Eres un regalo de Dios para la Nueva Era, un mensajero de lo Divino....Bendiciones y Mil Gracias !!!!!
Isabel - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA (Jan. 1, 2013)

I am not writing about your music but about your book, which I just bought from Amazon.
I haven't finished it yet, but I just need to tell you how much it touches me. It's as if I were reading my own emotions, doubts, feelings, joys - as if I were reading my own HEART! It's so comforting to know that there IS someone in this world who feels and thinks and is BEING just like me. Thank you!
Paula - Ravennna - ITALY (Jan. 1, 2013)

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Frederic Delarue Productions | PO Box 799 | Palm Springs | CA | 92263